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Composer Christoph Willibald Gluck The subject “Orfeo and Euridice” was used in some operas by composers, including Monteverdi, Gluck, and Offenbach. “Orphee aux Enfers” by Offenbach usually involves satirical humors.
Title オルフェオとエウリディーチェ Orfeo ed Euridice
tl:title role
Orfeo(CA), Euridice(S), Amore(S)
Note オルフェオとエウリディーチェを題材にしたオペラはいくつかあり、Monteverdi, Gluck, のほかOffenbachの天国と地獄も風刺を交えて演出されます。
Composer Edward Benjamin Britten This opera is after a Japanese Noh play entitled "Sumidagawa" in which a mother goes out a journey to search her missing son.
Title カーリューリバー Curlew River
tl:title role
Abbot(B. narrative), Madwoman(T), Ferryman(Br), Traveller(Br)
Note 能の隅田川を元になっています。
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